2023 №04 (06) |
DOI of Article 10.37434/as2023.04.07 |
2023 №04 (08) |

"Avtomatychne Zvaryuvannya" (Automatic Welding), #4, 2023, pp. 41-49
Evaluation of the influence of chemical composition of filler wires on weldability of D16 aluminium alloy
T.M. Labur, V.A. Koval, M.R. Yavorska
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.uaAluminium alloy of D16 grade is widely used in aircraft industry, but at nonconsumable electrode arc welding it demonstrates a susceptibility to solidifi cation (“hot”) cracking in the weld and zone of fusion with the base metal. This is associated with the action of the mechanism of high-temperature segregation cracking of the grain boundaries and breaking of metal bonds at metal crystallization, as a result of increase of local residual stress, which reduces the joint strength. Furtheron, the alloy composition was optimized by the quantity of alloying elements and admixtures. At present advanced alloys and welding technologies are used. The objective of the study is evaluation of the conditions of sound weld formation, their strength and ductility characteristics, depending on the chemical composition of batch-produced ZvAK5 and Zv1201 fi ller wires. The fi rst wire widens the silicon content in the weld structure, it will promote lowering of the alloy susceptibility to technological heating and slowing down of metal embrittlement, and the second one is close to the alloy by its chemical composition. It is found that the cracking susceptibility of D16 alloy is determined by arc welding technology, fi ller wire chemical composition, and scheme of its feeding into the weld pool. It is shown that the conditions of consumable electrode welding slow down the realization of metal cracking mechanism, characteristic for nonconsumable electrode welding. The joint mechanical properties here are increased by 10…12 %, depending on fi ller wire composition. 10 Ref., 6 Tabl., 7 Fig.
Keywords: aluminium alloy, nonconsumable and consumable electrode welding, permanent joints, hot cracks, weld structure mechanical properties, investigations
Received: 22.03.2023
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