
Electrometallurgy Today

(«Suchasna Elektrometalurhiya»-Ukr.)

DOI of Journal

Тел./факс: (38044) 205-23-90

International Scientific-Technical and Production Journal

Published 4 times per year since 1985 in Ukrainian and English

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Sergiy Akhonin




Certificate of state registration of КВ №24212-14052 ПР dated 03.12.2019
The Journal was registered by the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio broadcasting on 09.05.2024, carrier identifier R30-04567.
Articles are submitted in Ukrainian or English in * .doc format.

The journal publishes the results of research in the following fields:
The Journal is included in the list of publications approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the publication of works of applicants for academic degrees.

The Journal is presented:

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