2017 №03 (05) |
DOI of Article 10.15407/sem2017.03.06 |
2017 №03 (07) |

Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2017, #3, 33-42 pages
Peculiarities of formation of 3D structure of S460M steel product in additive metallurgical technology
V.A. Kostin, G.M. Grigorenko
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU.11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
Presented are the results of modeling of temperature fields, kinetics of deposition of liquid metal layers, parameters of cooling and nature of structural transformations in formation of additive structure of steel S460M. To perform the computer modeling, the calculation package COMSOL was used. During the work the following effect: of temperature on physical-chemical parameters of steel in arc heating, heat, induced by molten wire, and kinetics of structural transformations, was taken into account. For modeling the values of conditions close to optimum for electric arc welding of high-strength low-alloy steels were used. The carried out investigations showed that the account for effect of heating of steel S460M by arc source leads to noticeable increase in temperature in the area of layer being deposited (up to 1800…2000 oC) and significant widening of heat-affected zone (up to 20…25 mm). In the offered technological condition of arc deposition the analysis of fields of isotherms did not show the penetration of substrate at the absence of heating by arc source and showed the negligible penetration of the substrate to 0.1…0.2 mm at the account of combined heating by arc source and metal of the molten wire. Kinetics of structural transformations in steel S460M in the additive process of formation of layers was studied. It is shown that the highest rates of cooling ( up to 40…45 oC/s) are formed at the edges of layers being deposited, that leads to the formation of up to 5 % of martensite component at these regions, which increases the risk of formation of cracks and deposit delamination. The developed software can be used for mathematical modeling of metallurgical additive process of formation of structures of steels, titanium, aluminium and other alloys. Ref. 12, Table 1, Figures 9.
Key words: additive production; modeling; structural steel S460M; deposition; structural transformations; microstructure
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