2024 №04 (02) DOI of Article
2024 №04 (04)

"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2024, #4, 18-23 pages

Increase of cost effectiveness of producing an ESR ingot of 800 mm diameter and six ton weight due to application of a cast electrode with larger variable cross-section

S.G. Kiyko, I.M. Logozyn’sky, S.V. Davydchenko, O.G. Fedkov, M.S. Mosievych, Yu.V. Rohovska

PJSC «Electrometallurgical Plant «Dniprospetsstal». 81 Pivdenne Highway, 69008, Zaporizhzhzya, Ukraine. E-mail:

Design and manufacturing of a casting mold for casting electrodes of a larger variable cross-section for melting an ESR ingot of 800 mm dia. and six ton weight were performed. The technological scheme for manufacturing a cast consumable electrode of a variable cross-section and technology of its ESR into an 800 mm dia. crucible with an increased crucible filling factor were optimized. Results on power consumption at ESR of a cast electrode and lowering of the ESR ingot cost by 10…15 % are given. Technology of casting larger diameter electrodes for production of ESR ingots of 800 mm cross-section and six ton weight of ledeburite type of Kh12MF-Ш and other steel grades, namely 40Kh13-Ш, and 15Kh12N2MVFAB-Sh (EP517-Ш), was developed. An optimal geometrical shape of the electrode and electroslag remelting mode with an increased crucible filling factor were determined, which ensure the quality of ESR ingot surface for deformation processing. 8 Ref., 4 Tabl., 12 Fig.
Keywords: cost, electroslag remelting, electrode, ESR ingot, mold, crucible, forging

Received: 28.10.2024
Received in revised form:19.12.2024
Accepted: 23.12.2024


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