2012 №03 (05) | 2012 №03 (07) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, #3, 26-30 pages
Silesian Polytechnical Institute, Gliwice, Poland
Analysis of the strategy of EuroUnion outlined in the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) was performed. Design of high-power wind generators for application on land and at sea is described, as well as modern structural materials and design solutions of towers, blades and load-carrying structures of nacelles. Directions of investigation of modern welding technologies to be applied in manufacture of up to 20 MW wind generators are proposed.
Keywords: welded structures, renewable energy, wind generators, European plan, new structural materials, new welding technologies, installation work
Received: 10.01.12
Published: 28.03.12
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