2015 №07 (07) |
DOI of Article 10.15407/tpwj2015.07.08 |
2015 №07 (09) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #7, 47-50 pages
Evaluation of strength of joints produced using welding with concurrent brazing
V.I. Savulyak, S.A. Zabolotny And D.V. Bakalets
Vinnytsa National Technical University. 95 Khmelnitskoe Shosse, 231021, Vinnytsa, Ukraine. E-mail: vsavulyak@mail.ru
Grounded was the rationality and the technology of producing permanent joints by combining the processes of welding and brazing using heat generated in the process of arc burning was described. The aim of the work is to establish the influence of formed brazed component on strength of the joint and structure as a whole. Developed were the methods for manufacture of pilot specimens, allowing establishing the necessary dependencies of strength of joints on type of braze material and its quantity. Namely the strength tests and processing of experimental data were performed in accordance with recommendations of GOST 28830-90. The use of programs of finite element analysis allowed determining the optimal welding conditions with concurrent brazing and the amount of braze material that can be melted. This technology can be used for repair of frames of transport machinery, damaged by cracking, by welding-on of strengthening cover plates. Also, it is rational to use the developed technology in production of frame structures. It was proved that the use of technology for producing permanent joints by combining the processes of welding and brazing using braze alloys based on copper can increase the strength of joint by one third as compared to conventional joint. 12 Ref., 3 Tables, 4 Figures.
Keywords: rame structure, transport, crack, technology, repair, strengthening, welding, brazing, strength
Received: 03.03.15
Published: 13.10.15
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