2022 №06 (01) DOI of Article
2022 №06 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, #6, 11-16 pages

Formation of composite coatings by the method of supersonic plasma spraying of powders based on TiAl intermetallic with non-metallic refractory compounds SiC and Si3N4

Yu.S. Borysov, N.V. Vihilianska, M.V. Kolomytsev, K.V. Iantsevych, O.M. Burlachenko, T.V. Tsymbalista

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:

Studies of the structural-phase state, erosion and corrosion resistance of coatings of TiAl-SiC and TiAl–Si3N4 systems, produced by the method of supersonic air-gas plasma spraying, are presented. As materials for spraying, composite powders, produced by the method of mechanic and chemical synthesis based on TiAl intermetallic with the addition of non-metallic refractory compounds SiC and Si3N4 were used. Comparison of the phase composition of the produced coatings of TiAl-SiC and TiAl‒Si3N4 systems with the phase composition of the composite powder after mechanic and chemical synthesis indicates proceeding of processes of interaction of TiAl with non-metallic refractory compounds, as a result of which the phases of SiC and Si3N4 are not observed in the coating. Due to the presence of strengthening phases in the coatings, the erosion resistance of the composite coatings increases by 1.3‒1.5 times as compared to TiAl intermetallic coating. Electrochemical tests found that the coatings of TiAl—SiC and TiAl‒Si3N4 systems are capable to provide the protection of steel, aluminium and titanium base in the environment containing sodium chloride with an increase in resistance by 5‒155 times. On the basis of the conducted studies of functional properties of the developed composite coatings, the possibility of their use for the protection of parts subjected to erosive wear and corrosion is shown.
Keywords: intermetallic, non-metallic refractory compound, supersonic air-gas plasma spraying, structure, phase composition, erosive wear, corrosion resistance

Received: 30.05.2022
Accepted: 15.08.2022


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Suggested Citation

Yu.S. Borysov, N.V. Vihilianska, M.V. Kolomytsev, K.V. Iantsevych, O.M. Burlachenko, T.V. Tsymbalista (2022) Formation of composite coatings by the method of supersonic plasma spraying of powders based on TiAl intermetallic with non-metallic refractory compounds SiC and Si3N4. The Paton Welding J., 06, 11-16.