2024 №12 (01) DOI of Article
2024 №12 (03)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, #12, 10-15 pages

Features of explosion welding of ODS steel for fast neutron reactor shells

P.S. Shlonskyi, Feng Gao

Liaoning Xin Huayang Weiye Equipment Manufacturing company Ltd No. 1 Road, Tieling high-tech industrial development zone, Liaoning province, China. E-mail:

The paper investigates the possibility of explosion welding of plates and disks made of dispersion-strengthened low-plastic steel with oxides. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks on the surface of the plates, low-temperature (up to 200 °C) heating was applied to the flyer plate. In a wide range of explosion welding parameters with reference to the weldability window (WW), the microstructure of the resulting joint is shown for 2 mm thick and 50 diameter discs, that were laser welded into carbon and stainless steel plates. A tensile strength test was conducted for the obtained joints, it was possible to achieve a joint strength of 75 % of the strength of the base metal. Explosion welding of 100×50×3 mm plates was performed, the border of the joint zone has a typical wavy shape for explosion welding. Using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, the chemical composition of inclusions in the joint zone was determined, and it was established that silicates are present in the joint zone. It is shown that the application of low-temperature heating allows welding plates from ODS steel with the help of explosion energy.
Keywords: ODS-steel, explosion welding, weldability window, low-temperature heating, microstructure

Received: 25.09.2024
Received in revised form: 23.10.2024
Accepted: 18.12.2024


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Suggested Citation

P.S. Shlonskyi, Feng Gao (2024) Features of explosion welding of ODS steel for fast neutron reactor shells. The Paton Welding J., 12, 10-15.