2022 №03 (04) DOI of Article
2022 №03 (06)

"Suchasna Elektrometallurgiya" (Electrometallurgy Today), 2022, #3, 29-37 pages

Influence of the parameters of the process of plasma-arc spheroidization of current-conducting wire from low-carbon steel on the granulometric composition of the produced powders

D.V. Strogonov2, V.M.Korzhyk1, Yi Jianglong2, A.Yu. Tunik2, O.M. Burlachenko2, A.O. Alyoshyn1

1China-Ukraine Institute of Welding, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Technology. 510650, Guangzhou, China. E-mail:
2E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., Kyiv, 03150, Ukraine. E-mail:

The possibility of producing spherical powders by application of the technology of plasma-arc sputtering of current-conducting wire of 1.6 mm dia. from low-carbon steel was experimentally confirmed. It was found that at different parameters of plasma arc sputtering in the general case the main fraction of the powder is 25…250 μm fraction, which amounts to 95 % of the powder overall volume, quantity of particles of < 25 and 250…315 μm fractions in optimum sputtering modes is at a rather low level and is not more than 5 %. The plasma-arc sputtering mode was selected, which will ensure a change of the granulometric composition towards increase of the content of fine fractions (< 80 μm), which are in great demand in the field of additive 3D printing technologies: current — 280 A; wire feed rate — 12.0 m/min; arc gap length — 8 mm; plasma gas flow rate — 50 l/min; concurrent gas flow rate — 60 m3/h; gap between plasma-forming and compression nozzle — 1 mm; cathode immersion depth — 1 mm. The shape and structure of the atomized particles was studied, most of which generally have a regular spherical shape. Here, the sphericity coefficient depends on process parameters and is equal to 0.7…0.9 on average at optimal sputtering modes. In the total mass of the obtained spherical powders the share of satellites and isolated particles of an irregular shape is close to 1…3 %. Ref. 27, Tabl. 3, Fig. 4.
Keywords: current-conducting wire; plasma-arc sputtering; melt dispersion; powder spheroidization; solidification; spherical powder; mode parameters; granulometric composition

Received 17.06.2022


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