2013 №02 | 2013 №04 |

- NEWS ...3
- Nedoseka A.Ya., Nedoseka S.A. Formation of acoustic emission waves ...5
- Budadin O.N. New method to determine thermal resistance of enclosure structures ...9
- Nedoseka A.Ya. Software of AE diagnostic systems EMA-3.9 ...16
- Karpash M.O. Methodology of multiparametral diagnostics of technical condition of pipelines in long-term operation ...23
- Storozhenko V.A., Myagky A.V., Malik S.B., Tikhy V.G. Optimization of the procedure of thermal flaw detection of honeycomb structures ...31
- Torop V.M., Yakhno B.O., Kozlov S.V. Calculated substantiation of additional fastening of metal structures of head packages of reactors to resist external dynamic impact ...36
- Naida S.A, Drozdenko E.S. Focused piezo receivers for acoustic thermometry...41
- Troitsky V.A. Portable X-ray TV system ...48
- Glukhovskii V.Yu., Borodaj O.S. Determination and calculation of geometrical parameters of defects of the object of control with application of laser-TV flaw detection ...53
- Blinov Yu.N., Khripun L.A. Features of technical examination of structures of high-rise buildings and constructions after accidents and collapse. Experience of SPA «Diskret» on their liquidation and structure reconditioning by industrial alpinism method ...56
- In the Board of Ukrainian NDTTD Society ...60
- Scientific Seminar on «INNOPIPES» European project in Warsaw ...60
- VII Scientifi c-Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists «Welding and Related Technologies» ...63