
2009 №11 (11) 2009 №11 (13)

TPWJ, 2009, #11, 52-56 pages  

Journal                    The Paton Welding Journal
Publisher                 International Association «Welding»
ISSN                       0957-798X (print)
Issue                       № 11, 2009 (November)
Pages                      52-56

Exploform BV, Lelystad, The Netherlands
Explosive formed products are more and more commonly applied. The state-of-the art is rapidly extended towards new product groups. Material characterization and process control becomes more important for efficiently designing new explosive forming processes. A method was developed for determining the forming limits of metals in explosive forming. A test shape was designed with features that represents different strain paths in the forming limit diagram. A regular dotted pattern is electrochemically etched on the sheet surface. Test plates are formed and an alyzed using photogrammetry. The resulting forming limit curve is used as an input for forming simulation software that w orks with a hydrostatic code. This approach provides a straightforward method for predicting the forming characteristics that come with a certain workpiece and it strongly enhances the design of new products that are to be formed by explosi ve forming. This approach is also applied for heat-treated and for welded metals. The forming limit diagrams of both the simulation and the photogrammetric analysis of a real explosive formed shape are compared for validation.
Keywords: explosive, forming, photogrammetry
Received:                ??
Published:               28.11.09