2012 №07 (02) | 2012 №07 (04) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2012, #7, 10-15 pages
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
Presented are the results of investigations into structure and wear resistance of low-carbon metal of different structural classes, deposited with flux-cored strips and containing approximately 13 % chromium and different amounts of manganese (from 2 to 12 %). The possibility of increasing wear resistance of the deposited metal by tempering and case hardening after hardfacing was studied. It is shown that achieving the optimal amount of meta-stable austenite, along with martensite, in structure of the deposited metal improves its wear resistance.
Keywords: arc hardfacing, chrome-manganese deposited metal, structure, martensite, meta-stable austenite, tempering, case hardening, wear resistance
Received: 23.01.12
Published: 28.07.12
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