2013 №02 (02) | 2013 №02 (04) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, #2, 13-19 pages
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU, Kiev, Ukraine
Improvement of methods for prediction of stress-strain state of welded joints in thin-sheet structures is a relevant problem. This, in particular, refers to stringer panels from VT20 titanium alloy which have high requirements on providing of high accuracy and strength at cyclic loads. Mathematical 3D modelling of stresses and deformations in small specimens (400 x 100-200 x 2.5 mm) with one stiffening rib and full size stringer panels (1100 x 550 x 2.5 mm) with four stiffening ribs was carried out under conditions of automatic non-consumable electrode welding by slot weld. Effect of preliminary elastic extension of plate and stiffening ribs on residual stress-strain state of panels was investigated. Computational investigations of stress-strain state for different variants of welding of the specimens showed that small width of panel specimens (100 mm) is not sufficient for determination of extension effect on residual stresses, and application of 200 mm width specimens is relevant for this purpose. The results of numerical calculations of stress-strain state for different variants of welding of stringer panels show principal possibility of performance at present time of such calculations in 3D problem statement for large welded structure with numerous welds, but at significant time consumption for calculation. 20 Ref., 3 Tables, 9 Figures.
Keywords: welded stringer panels, titanium alloy VT20, welding stresses and deformations, method of preliminary elastic extension, mathematical modelling
Received: 19.09.12
Published: 28.02.13
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