2016 №04 (01) |
DOI of Article 10.15407/tpwj2016.04.02 |
2016 №04 (03) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, #4, 24-31 pages
Influence of electric-magnetic composite field on WC particles distribution in laser melt injection
Liang Wang1,2, Yong Hu1,2, Shiying Song1,2 and Jianhua Yao1,2
1Research Center of Laser Processing Technology and Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology 18 Chaowang Str., 310014, Hangzhou, PRC. E-mail: ddtwl@foxmail.com
2Zhejiang Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of High-end Laser Manufacturing Equipment Hangzhou, PRC
The laser melt injection (LMI) method is always used to prepare a metal-matrix composite layer on the surface of substrate. In LMI process, the laser beam melts the surface layer of substrate locally while simultaneously injecting particles of additional material. In order to control the distribution of reinforcement particles in LMI layer, an electricmagnetic composite field can be applied. The effect of electric-magnetic synergistic on the reinforcement particles distribution in LMI was investigated using experimental and numerical method. The spherical WC particles were used because their regular shape was most close to the simulation conditions and good tracer performance in the melt flow. The distribution of WC particles in longitudinal section was observed by SEM and calculated by computer graphics processing. The trajectory of WC particles in the melt pool was simulated by a 2D model coupled the equations of heat transfer, fluid dynamics, drag force, Lorentz force and phase transition. The simulation results were compared with experimental data and were in good agreement. The results indicated that the effect of electric-magnetic synergistic on the reinforcement particles distribution was verified. The distribution of WC particles in LMI-layer was influenced by the direction of Lorentz force induced by electric-magnetic composite field. When the Lorentz force and gravity force are in the same direction, the vast majority of particles are trapped in the upper region of LMI-layer, and when these forces are in the opposite direction, most particles are concentrated in the lower region. 34 Ref., 8 Figures.
Keywords: laser melt injection, WC particles, Lorentz force, particles distribution, electric-magnetic composite field
Received: 08.12.2015
Published: 02.06.2016
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