2023 №08 (03) |
DOI of Article 10.37434/tpwj2023.08.04 |
2023 №08 (05) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2023, #8, 36-43 pages
The influence of iron on the structure and technological characteristics of Cu–Mn–Co brazing filler metal
S.V. Maksymova, P.V. Kovalchuk ,V.V. Voronov, I.I. Datsiuk
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: maksymova.svitlana15@ukr.netAbstract
The results of complex studies on the brazing filler metal of the Cu–Mn–Co system alloyed with iron in the range of 1…5 wt. % are presented. The melting point was determined through calculation, and it was shown that increasing the concentration of iron from 1 to 5 wt. % leads to a slight (from 912 to 923 °C) increase in the temperature of the solidus and a significant increase in the temperature of the liquidus (from 931 to 1027 °C). At the same time, the melting temperature range expands to 104 °C. The results of experimental studies on the spread of brazing filler metal on Kovar and corrosion-resistant steel have established that an increase in the iron concentration up to 5 % contributes not only to an increase in the temperature of the liquidus but also to an increase in the spread area, which is due to the melting temperature of a copper-based solid solution. Local micro-X-ray spectral analysis established a discrete distribution of constituent elements and showed that the brazing filler metal, after spreading, contains two solid solutions: copper-based and manganese-based. The research results on the Kovar-corrosion-resistant steel brazed joints have demonstrated that the addition of iron to the Cu–Mn–Co–Fe alloy leads to an increase in microhardness and shear strength. 22 Ref., 5 Tabl., 11 Fig.
Keywords: copper–manganese–cobalt–iron brazing filler metal, melting temperature range, X-ray microanalysis, structure, microhardness, wetting angle, solid solution
Received: 08.06.2023
Accepted: 07.08.2023
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