2013 №11 (12) | 2013 №11 (14) |

«Автоматическая сварка», 2013, № 10-11, с. 89-93
Institute for Materials Science and Welding, GrazUniversity of Technology, Kopernikusgasse 24, 8010 Graz, Austria. E-mail: Norbert.Enzinger@TUGraz.at; Christof.Sommitsch@TUGraz.atAbstract
Within the Austrian network of excellence COMET K-project JOIN4+ companies and research institutes cooperate in funded research projects. JOIN4+ exhibits a total budget of 6.6 Mio. Euros, which is covered by all research partners, the Austrian government as well as the involved provinces. Currently eight different projects in two areas are treated. In this contribution the funding situation as well as selected results are presented. 11 Ref., 7 Figures.
Keywords: research funding, welding, friction welding, FSSW, modelling, AHSS
Received: 22.02.13
Published: 06.11.13
1. http://www.ffg.at/comet
2. Hochhauser, F., Ernst, W., Rauch, R. et al. (2012) Influence of the soft zone on the strength of welded modern HSLA steels. Welding in the World, 56, 0506, 77-85.
3. Maurer, W., Ernst, W., Rauch, R. et al. (2012) Numerical simulation on the effect of HAZ softening on static tensile strength of HSLA steel welds. In: Proc. of 10th Int. Seminar on Weldability (Seggau, Austria, Sept. 2012).
4. Rahman, M., Albu, M., Enzinger, N. (2012) On the modeling of austenite grain growth in micro-alloyed HS steel S700MC. In: Ibid.
5. Fuchs, F., Tasic, P., Enzinger, N. (2009) Innovatives Schweissverfahren fuer hochfeste Hebe- und Foerderketten. Schweiss- & Prueftechnik Sonderband, 15-17.
6. Mucic, K., Fuchs, F., Enzinger, N. (2012) Linear friction welding of high strength chains. In: Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. Trends in Welding Res. Conf.
7. Ucsnik, S., Scheerer, M., Zaremba, S. et al. (2010) Experimental investigation of a novel hybrid metal-composite joining technology. Composites. Pt A. Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41, 369-374.
8. http://www.twi.co.uk/technical-knowledge/published-papers/an-introduction-to-surfi-sculpt-technology-new-opportunities-new-challenges-april-2007/
9. Khosa, S., Weinberger, T., Enzinger, N. (2010) Thermo-mechanical investigations during friction stir spot welding (FSSW) of AA6082-T6. Welding in the World, 54, 134-146.
10. Pavel, S., Melzer, C., Sommitsch, C. (2012) Prediction of precipitation kinetics during homogenization and microstructure evolution during and after hot rolling of AA5083. Int. J. Mechan. Sc., 54, 12-19.
11. Gao, Z., Niu, J., Krumphals, F. et al. FE modeling of microstructure evolution during friction stir spot welding in AA6082-T6. IIW Annual Assembly IX-NF. Denver, USA, 8.7.2012.