2017 №04 (06) DOI of Article
2017 №04 (08)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2017, #4, 35-38 pages

Formation of welded joints of magnesium alloys in pulse multipass electron beam welding

V.M. Nesterenkov, L.A. Kravchuk, Yu.A. Arkhangelsky and Yu.V. Orsa

 E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
The work studies the peculiarities of formation of the joints of cast magnesium alloy ML10 of 8 mm thickness in pulse vacuum electron beam welding. The investigations were carried out on specimens of alloy of Mg–Zn-Zr–Nd doping system at optimum pulse repetition frequency and increased welding rate. It is determined that welding in several passes with step increase of electron beam current in the pulse is necessary for providing high quality of formation and strength properties of welded joints. It is shown that strength characteristics of welded joints are at the level not lower than 92 % of similar base metal properties. 11 Ref., 1 Table, 5 Figures.
Keywords: electron beam welding, magnesium alloys, pulse welding mode, welded joint strength, thermal cycle, weld metal microstructure, HAZ, base metal
Received:                06.03.17
Published:               17.04.17
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Suggested Citation

V.M. Nesterenkov, L.A. Kravchuk, Yu.A. Arkhangelsky and Yu.V. Orsa (2017) Formation of welded joints of magnesium alloys in pulse multipass electron beam welding. The Paton Welding J., 04, 35-38.