2022 №04 (02) |
DOI of Article 10.37434/tpwj2022.04.03 |
2022 №04 (04) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2022, #4, 14-18 pages
Centrifugal plasma surfacing of drill pump bushings
O.I. Som
Plasma-Master Co. Ltd. 3 Akademik Krzhizhanovskii Str., 03142, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: info@plasma-master.com
Features of centrifugal plasma surfacing using powders of three different alloying systems based on iron and nickel were studied. It is found that at centrifugal plasma surfacing the iron-based test powder has the best welding-technological properties. It allows producing deposited metal of 200Kh15D2MS2R type. The layer deposited with this powder, has a microstructure of uniform height and ensures increase of the sleeve wear resistance 5–6 times, compared to batch-produced ones, which are made from steel 70 and uenched by HFC. A design of the bushing component is proposed with replaceable surfaced sleeve, which is more adaptable to fabrication and allows repairing it by simple replacement of the worn sleeve.
Keywords: centrifugal plasma surfacing, surfacing alloys, deposited metal, metal structure, wear resistance, carbides, hardness, layer thickness
Received: 19.04.2022
Accepted: 30.06.2022
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