2023 №03 (05) |
DOI of Article 10.37434/tdnk2023.03.01 |
2023 №03 (02) |

"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #3, 2023, pp. 3-9
Distribution of effective coercive force of composite samples at its measurment by attachable magnetic transducers
R.M. Solomakha2, V.G. Rybachuk1, V.M. Uchanin1
1G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NASU. 5 Naukova str., 79060, Lviv, Ukraine. E-mail: vuchanin@gmail.com2SPF «Spetsialny naukovy rozrobky». 10 Svitla str., 61121, Kharkiv. E-mail: rsolomak@gmail.com
The paper presents the results of studying the distribution of effective coercive force (CF) in composite ferromagnetic standard samples assembled from two homogeneous samples with different CF values, abutted to each other. Two types of attachable U-shaped magnetic transducers (MT), which were connected to MA-5 type magnetic analyzer, were used for measurement of effective CF in a closed magnetic circuit. Measurements in an open magnetic circuit were performed using MT of attachable solenoid type, operating by the pole point method (PPM). This MT was connected to a coercimeter-structurescope of IKS-104 type. It is shown that for all MT types the effective CF of composite samples (CS) depends on their position relative to the butt. With MT movement relative to the butt from homogeneous sample with smaller CF to homogeneous sample with larger CF the effective CF increases in the range between CF values of these samples. Quantitatively, the nature of distribution of CS effective CF depends on MT type, its dimensions and type of their orientation relative to the butt for MT of non axisymmetric design. With parallel orientation of the poles of U-shaped MT relative to the butt, the nature of the changes in effective CF is smoother. Presence of a gap between CS parts causes a decrease of effective CF and instability of its values in the butt area. For MT of the same type reduction of their size leads to decrease of effective CF range. For MT of similar size the range of the change in CS effective CF, measured in an open magnetic circuit, is noticeably larger, compared to the one measured in a closed magnetic circuit. Shown is the principal possibility of CS application for metrological support of magnetic structurescopes, as well as for modeling the two-dimensional distribution of CF of ferromagnetic structures, which are characterized by surface inhomogeneity of magnetic parameters. 18 Ref., 1 Tabl., 8 Fig.
Keywords: nondestructive testing, magnetic structuroscopy, coercive force, coercimeter, standard sample, U-shaped magnetic transducer, attachable solenoid
Received: 11.06.2023
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