2020 №01 |
DOI of Issue https://doi.org/10.37434/as2020.02 |
2020 №03 |

- Piskun N.V., Falchenko Yu.V., Petrushynets L.V., Ustinov A.I., Melnichenko T.V., Statkevych I.I. Formation of the structure and mechanical properties of joints of intermetallic alloy TiAlNb in diffusion welding ... 3 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.01
- Akhonin S.V., Bilous V.Yu., Selin R.V., Petrichenko I.K. Impact of TIG welding on the structure and mechanical properties of joints of pseudo-β-titanium alloy ... 11 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.02
- Korzhik V.M., Shcheretskii V.O., Chaika A.A., Jianglong Yi. Calculated evauation of application of nano-sized particles in modifying the cast structure of weld metal... 18 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.03
- Dmytryk V.V., Glushko A.V., Iglin S.P. Structural changes in the metal of welded joints of long-term operating steam pipelines ... 24 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.04
- Stefaniv B.V., Nyrkova L.I., Larionov A.V., Osadchuk S.O. Corrosion resistance of composite material deposited by TIG method using flexible cord Terocote 7888T ... 29 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.05
- Nesterenkov V.M., Zagornikov V.I., Orsa Yu.V., Ignatenko O.M. Features of applying electron beam welding in manufacture of the cathode assembly of the electron gun ... 33 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.06
- Koval V.A., Labur T.M., Yavorska M.R. Properties of joints of V134T grade alloy under the conditions of TIG welding ... 38 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.07
- Matviychuk V.A., Nesterenkov V.M. Additive electron beam equipment for layer-by-layer manufacture of metal products from powder materials ... 44 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.08
- Poklyatskii A.G., Fedorchuk V.E., Motrunich S.I., Falchenko Yu.V., Kisla G.P. Influence of scandium on mechanical properties of welded joints of D16 alloy produced using filler wires of different alloying systems ... 50 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.09
- Kostornoj O.S., Laktionov M.O. Arc and plasma-powder surfacing of sealing surfaces of pump impellers... 57 https://doi.org/10.15407/as2020.02.10
- WireSence: wire electrode as sensor ... 62
- International and European standards in the field of plastic welding ... 63
- Calendar of conferences, seminars and exhibitions in 2020 ... 64