2014 №08 |
DOI of Issue https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09 |
2014 №10 |

- Paton B.E., Lobanov L.M., Lysak V.L., Knysh V.V., Pavlovsky V.I., Prilutsky V.P., Timoshenko A.N., Goncharov P.V. and Guan Qiao. Deformation-free welding of stringer panels of titanium alloy VT20 ... 6 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.01
- Krikent I.V., Krivtsun I.V. and Demchenko V.F. Simulation of electric arc with refractory cathode and evaporating anode ... 17 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.02
- Lankin Yu.N., Ryabtsev I.A., Soloviov V.G., Chernyak Ya.P. and Zhdanov V.A. Effect of electric parameters of arc surfacing using flux-cored wire on process stability and base metal penetration ... 25 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.03
- Yushchenko K.A., Kozulin S.M., Lychko I.I. and Kozulin M.G. Joining of thick metal by multipass electroslag welding ... 30 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.04
- Korotynsky A.E., Drachenko N.P. and Shapka V.A. Peculiarities of application of supercapacitors in devices for pulse welding technologies ... 34 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.05
- Lebedev V.A., Maksimov S.Yu., Pichak V.G. and Zajnulin D.I. Automatic machine for wet underwater welding in confined spaces ... 39 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.06
- Levchenko O.G., Kuleshov V.A. and Arlamov A.Yu. Sanitary-hygienic evaluation of noise in manual arc welding with covered electrodes ... 45 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2014.09.07
- The 55th Anniversary of the Experimental Design Technological Bureau of the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute ... 49
- Paton Turbine Technologies – new name of a well-known company ... 51