
2013 №02 (07) 2013 №02 (09)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, #2, 42-47 pages  



OJSC «Kherson Shipyard», Kherson, Ukraine
The peculiarities of application of plasma cutting in manufacture of ship-hull parts were considered. The positive and negative phenomena were mentioned. The influence of composition of plasma-forming medium on the main technological characteristics of cutting process was analyzed. Aim of the work is to present the experience of the Kherson Ship-Building Plant (Kherson Shipyard) on application of plasma cutting using plasma-forming medium with addition of a small amount of water. The design of plasmatron PMR 74M was described. The addition of water results in increase of cleanness and decrease of roughness of the cut surface. The explanation to the observed effect was given. The replacement of acetylene-oxygen cutting by plasma one in the plasma-forming media, such as air + water, allows 3-5 times improving the efficiency of cutting, decreasing thermal deformations and increasing accuracy of the parts being cut, providing simplicity of control of cutting process, possibility of automation with application of flexible industrial systems. This technology was realized at the automated area of the enterprise in the production lines by using the machines of the type «Kristall», NPC devices 2R32T on the basis of microcomputer. 7 Ref., 1 Table, 8 Figures.
Keywords: plasma cutting, ship-hull parts, design of plasmatron, purity of cut surface, addition of water, efficiency, thermal deformations, automation, production lines
Received:                13.11.12
Published:               28.02.13
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