2015 №06 (07) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (09)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 37-40 pages  

Improvement of bimetal joint quality in submerged arc surfacing of high-tin bronze on steel

T.B. Majdanchuk, V.M. Ilyushenko And A.N. Bondarenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
It was shown that one of the efficient methods for producing bimetal product steel + high-tin bronze is submerged electric arc surfacing applying flux-cored wires. Analyzed were the causes for formation of different defects, which are possible in surfacing of bronze on steel. Considered were technological and metallurgical measures of eliminating porosity both on the deposited metal as well as along the fusion line of bronze with steel. To provide a minimum penetration of steel and reduction of iron content in bronze the process is performed using «split» electrode (two-electrode surfacing) at the optimum modes. The special attention is paid to study of causes for formation of intercrystalline penetrations of bronze into steel and their influence on quality of bimetal joint. The threshold value of energy input is determined at which the tendency to decrease the formation of intercrystalline penetrations is observed. 10 Ref., 2 Tables, 4 Figures.
Keywords: high-tin bronze, submerged arc surfacing, bimetal joint, intercrystalline penetrations
Received:                03.04.15
Published:               28.07.15
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Suggested Citation

T.B. Majdanchuk, V.M. Ilyushenko And A.N. Bondarenko (2015) Improvement of bimetal joint quality in submerged arc surfacing of high-tin bronze on steel. The Paton Welding J., 06, 37-40.