2015 №06 (30) |
DOI of Article 10.15407/tpwj2015.06.31 |
2015 №06 (32) |

The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 140-141 pages
Effect of surfacing on stress-strain state of rollers of machines for continuous casting of billets
A.P. Gopkalo And V.V. Klipachevsky
G.S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength, NASU. 2 Timiryazevskaya Str., 01014, Kiev, Ukraine. Е-mail: роstmaster@iрр.аdаm.kiev.ua
The effect of ratio of physical and mechanical properties of the base and deposited metal on stress-strain state of rollers of machines for continuous casting of billets was considered using numerical modeling. It is shown that by varying the ratio of the coefficient of linear expansion and coefficient of thermal conductivity of base and deposited metals and their mechanical properties it is possible to control the value and sign of thermal stresses on the surface of rollers. 2 Ref., 2 Figures.
Keywords: roller, surfacing, temperature, stresses, deformation
Received: 29.04.15
Published: 28.07.15
1. Bulanov, L.V., Korzunin, L.G., Parfenov, E.P. et al. (2004) Machines for continuous casting of billets. In: Theory and calculation. Kazan: Ural center Marat.
2. (1967) Physical properties of steels and alloys applied in power engineering: Refer. Book. Ed. by B.E. Nejmark. Moscow-Leningrad: Energiya.