2015 №10 (05) DOI of Article
2015 №10 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #10, 36-42 pages

Modern composite materials for switching and welding equipment. information 1. powdered composite materials

E.V. Khomenko, N.I. Grechanyuk And V.Z. Zatovsky

I.M. Frantsevich Institute of Problems of Materials Science, NASU 3 Krzhizhanovsky Str., 03142, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
The paper presents modern developments in the field of powdered composite materials of pseudoalloy type based on Cu (Ag) and refractory metals W (Mo, Cr), used as electric contact materials and welding electrodes. Main requirements made of materials of arcing contacts and resistance welding electrodes are briefly described. Main data from world manufacturers on compositions and regulated characteristics of this material type are given, and main process schematics of their manufacturing are listed. Certain technological difficulties of producing nanodispersed composites are pointed out that slow down their production on an industrial scale. It is noted that application of mechanical alloying method during high-energy milling of powders allows producing copper, dispersion-strengthened by refractory oxides and carbides (Al2O3, TiO2, Cr2O3, SiO2, etc.) with recrystallization temperature close to that of copper melting and higher level of electric conductivity, strength and oxidation resistance, compared to chromium and chromium-zirconium bronzes. 41 Ref., 5 Tables, 4 Figures.
Keywords: copper-based powdered composite materials, switching and welding equipment
Received:                27.04.15
Published:               01.12.15
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Suggested Citation

E.V. Khomenko, N.I. Grechanyuk And V.Z. Zatovsky (2015) Modern composite materials for switching and welding equipment. information 1. powdered composite materials. The Paton Welding J., 10, 36-42.