

The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute (PWI) of the NAS of Ukraine and International Association «Welding» as founders and International Association «Welding» as a publisher of journals «Avtomaticheskaya Svarka»«Tekhnicheskaya Diagnostika i Nerazrushayushchiy control»«Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgia» and  «The Paton Welding Journal» (hereinafter - PWI journals) follow the principles of publishing ethics of Elsevier Publishing House.

Main ethical standards, which are kept by the editorial boards of journals, are as follows:

1. Inadmissible is a plagiarism in any form. It concerns both the submission for publication of earlier published or unpublished works of other authors under the own name and also misappropriation of someone else’s ideas.
2. In case of taking the fragments of someone else’s publication, the author should indicate the reference.
3. The editorial boards of PWI journals do not cooperate with authors who have ever applied the plagiarism in articles, submitted to PWI journals or other publications, if this became known.
4. Among the requirements, specified to reviewers, there is a definition of the presence of plagiarism elements.
5. Editorial boards shall use all efforts to reveal the plagiarism from the publications available in Internet network.
6. Editorial boards shall appreciate any information from readers concerning the plagiarism elements, revealed by them, and violation of moral standards by authors and will publish it on the pages of journals.
7. Journals of PWI shall publish the works of authors of all the countries and nationalities, which investigate the problems, defined by the editorial politics.
8. Editorial boards shall undertake commitments to reject articles, which contain appeal to terrorism, manifestation of xenophobia, insulting of other authors or citizens.
9. To review each article, two experts from the editorial board staff shall be at least engaged in this work or outside experts shall be invited.
10. The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine and International Association “Welding” are ready for cooperation with other publishing houses in struggle with plagiarism and keeping the publishing ethics.


Editorial boards of PWI journals shall appoint reviewers from their staff or invite the outside experts. The reviewing should provide assessment of scientific value and originality of the submitted manuscript and also assistance in improvement of the author’s work. Authors of manuscript, submitted to publishing, shall recognize the reviewing as worthwhile and necessary. Having agreed to make reviewing, the future reviewer shall undertake the following commitments.