2017 №04 |
DOI of Issue https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01 |
2018 №02 |

- Skalskii V. R. , Mokrii O. M. Evaluation of damage level in ferritic-pearlitic steels by the value of the change of longitudinal acoustic wave velocity ...3 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.01
- Stasyuk S. Z. Monitoring the technical condition of process piping at long-term operation in hydrogen-containing working medium ...8 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.02
- Uchanin V. M., Minakov S. M. Influence of mechanical stresses on the signal of eddy current transducer of magnetic anisotropy...21 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.03
- Milenin A. S., Velikoivanenko E. A., Rozynka G. F., Pivtorak N. I., Khinich A. N., Sidoruk V. A. High-performance methods of numerical studies for solving the problems of evaluation of defective structure serviceability ...27 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.04
- Nedoseka A. Ya. , Nedoseka S. A., Yaremenko M. A., Ovsienko M. A. Application of the technology of acoustic emission monitoring at evaluation of the condition of vessels in chemical production ...34 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.05
- Plesnetsov S. Yu., Suchkov G. M. Method of electromagnetic-acoustic monitoring of metal products without the «dead zone» ...42 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.06
- Kulish V. A., Krylov E. S. Monitoring and assessment of the technical condition of metals structures of buildings and constructions of mine surface ...47 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.07
- Jala R. M., Verbenets B. Ya., Melnik M. I., Semenyuk O. M., Chervinka O. O. Metrology and instrumentation for operative complex examination of underground pipelines...53 https://doi.org/10.15407/tdnk2018.01.08
- «ULTRACON-SERVICE» Company is 25...61
- Conference-exhibition «NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING-2018» ... 63
- New book...64