2018 №01 (02) DOI of Article
2018 №01 (04)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2018 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing #1, 2018, pp. 21-26

Influence of mechanical stresses on the signal of eddy current transducer of magnetic anisotropy

V.M. Uchanin1, S. M. Minakov2

1G. V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 5 Naukova str, 79060, Lviv. E-mail: uchanin@ipm.lviv.ua
2NTUU «Igor Sikorskii KPI», 17 Peremogy ave., 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine

The paper gives the results of studying the developed eddy current transducer of magnetic anisotropy with working diameter of 17 mm. Transducer sensitivity to tensile and compressive stresses in ferromagnetic steels is shown. It particular, shown is the shape of signal travel time curves at working frequencies of 5.0; 20.0; and 50.0 kHz, due to tensile and compressive stresses, induced during realization of loading-unloading cycle by four-point bend schematic. Opposite direction of travel time curves for tensile and compressive stresses from the balancing point is demonstrated that allows determination of the nature of stresses in the direction of travel time curves in a complex plane, or by the output signal sign after amplitude-phase transformation. Changes in the amplitude of eddy current transducer signal during realization of loading-unloading cycle were studied. Existence of magneto-elastic hysteresis for both the kinds of loading is shown. 24 Reference, 4 Figures.
Keywords: mechanical tensile and compressive stresses, magnetic anisotropy, eddy current sensor, travel time curves, magnetoelastic hysteresis
Received: 19.02.2018
Published: 20.03.2018

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