(«Tekhnichna Diagnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol»-Ukr.)
Requirements for the drafting of manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal «Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing»
Journal «Technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing» is a scientific professional publication of Ukraine in the field of technical sciences. The journal publishes the results of studies on the diagnosis of materials and structures and methods of non-destructive testing to assess the condition of materials and structures; theory, methods and means of technical diagnostics.
Original, previously unpublished articles containing the results of fundamental theoretical developments and the most significant applied research are accepted for publication. Articles are submitted in Ukrainian or English in *.doc format.
The manuscripts are attached
- a cover letter signed by the head of the unit or establishment where the work was performed;
- Manuscript License Agreement: Submission of Copyright to the Publisher for the publication of the article (license agreement form https://patonpublishinghouse.com/eng/journals/tdnk/license);
- full address of one of the authors, contact telephone number and e-mail address;
The manuscript and documents are sent by the authors: from Ukraine - by mail (2 copies) and by e-mail; from abroad - by e-mail to
The structure of the article should consist of the following blocks:
- Block in Ukrainian (English) if the article is written in Ukrainian (English):
- UDC code;
- article title;
- the surname (s), first name, patronymic and references to profiles in ORCID or Scopus Author ID of each author (number of authors no more than 5);
- the full name and mailing address of the organizations where the authors work;
- authors` email addresses;
- abstract and keywords (1500…1800 characters).
The abstract should be meaningful, do not repeat the title, do not contain general phrases, do not duplicate the section "Conclusions", and reflect the summary of the article (purpose, objectives, research methods, results).
The article should be structured in the following sections: Introduction, which outlines the problem statement, the relevance of the chosen topic, the analysis of recent research and publications, the purpose and objectives of the work; Outline of the main research material and the results obtained; Conclusions, which summarize the work and prospects for further research in this area (at the end of the main text it is possible to indicate the source of funding for the work); References.
List of numbered literary sources up to 10-15 titles cited by the author (self-references up to 30 % of the total; references to sources up to 2000 not more than 30 % of the total; it is advisable not to use sources that are inaccessible to a wide scientific audience).
- The Latin block (similar to Block 1):
- title of the article in English;
- the initials and surname(s) of the author(s), paying particular attention to the correct spelling of the surnames and initials in English;
- official name of the institution, full postal address in English without any abbreviations;
- authors` email addresses;
- abstract and keywords (1500…1800 characters) in English;
- list of literary sources: Latin names of authors; titles of journals in literary sources in Cyrillic transliteration; titles of articles in English. After each such link, the language of the original article should be given in brackets - [in Ukrainian], [in Russian] or [in English].
Source names are represented without any abbreviations.
Transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin is performed according to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 55 of 27.01.2010 (
Article content should be no more than 15-20 pages long (2.0 line spacing).
Article Layout Description: Microsoft Word 97-2003 Text Editor, MathType 6.9 Formula Editor (no higher). A4 paper size.
Main text style: line spacing - 2.0; font - Times New Roman 12 pt; width alignment; automatic placement of transfers - off, first line - 0.5 cm indentation; Title of the article - 14 pt font, centered. The article is designed without headers.
Formula style: Mathematical formulas are created as separate objects in the formula editor - MathType 6.9 (not higher); font - Times New Roman 11 pt; center alignment; numbering in parentheses to the right (do not use the formula editor built into Microsoft Word). The formula and its number in the form of a table are not allowed. Characters in formulas and text should have the same image. MathType objects are not desirable in the article text.
The physical, chemical, technical, and mathematical terms, units of physical quantities, and conventions used in the article must be generally accepted. Reductions in physical units should comply with the requirements of the International System of SI.
Illustrations style: Illustrations (drawings and / or photos) (max 10) are executed in BMP, JPG, TIFF (300 dpi) formats with drawing captions and are inserted into the text as "drawing". Text font in the pictures - Times New Roman 11 pt. Landscape orientation is not allowed. The editorial staff reserves the right to replace full color illustrations in black and white when printing a print run.
Table style: spreadsheet editor - Word; submit tables in the text; Times New Roman font 11 pt. If there are more than 5 tables, each must have a serial number (unsigned number) and a name. The designation "Table 1. ..." is printed on the left above the table in bold 11 pt.
Literature style: The list of numbered references cited by the author is compiled according to the Harvard standard.
Each source is from a paragraph, font - Times New Roman 11 pt. In the text, the cited source is indicated in square brackets by the number corresponding to its number in the literature list. All cited sources should be subject to the same standard, ie the order in which the data in the links should be provided and punctuation should be the same. The names of the cited sources are reduced and the number of authors is not allowed.
Articles submitted in violation of the above requirements are returned to the author without review. The date of re-entry will be the date of re-submission of the article, which has been completed in accordance with the above requirements.
After receiving the manuscript of the article as required by the editorial board, it is submitted to the editorial board of the journal to which the reviewer is appointed. The minimum period by which the authors will receive the reviewer`s comments is 2 months from the date of receipt of the article. The Editorial Board is held monthly at the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine.
More detailed information can be obtained from the editorial office at (+38044) 200-82-77; 200-54-84 and at
Mailing address of the journal «Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing»: 11 Kazymyr Malevych (Bozhenka) Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine.