Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
(2019) «Beam Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing»: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference / Edited by Prof. I. V. Krivtsun. — Киев: Международная Ассоциация «Сварка», 2019. — 126 стр.
В сборнике представлено 21 доклад Девятой международной конференции «Лучевые технологии в
сварке и обработке материалов» (9–13 сентября 2019 г., Одесса, Украина), в которых отражены достижения за последние годы в области электронно-лучевых и лазерных технологий при сварке, наплавке,
3D печати, обработке материалов и в специальной электрометаллургии. Авторами докладов являются
известные ученые и специалисты из Украины, Словакии и Китая. Для научных и инженерно-технических работников.
Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
(2017) «Beam Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing»: Сб. докл. Восьмой межд. конф. / Под
редакцией проф. И. В. Кривцуна. — Киев: Международная Ассоциация «Сварка», 2017. — 128 стр.
В сборнике представлено 23 доклада Восьмой международной конференции «Лучевые технологии в
сварке и обработке материалов» (11–15 сентября 2017 г., Одесса, Украина), в которых отражены достижения за последние годы в области электронно-лучевых и лазерных технологий при сварке, наплавке,
обработке материалов и в специальной электрометаллургии. Авторами докладов являются известные
ученые и специалисты из Украины, Беларуси, Канады, Китая, Ирана и Польши. Для научных и инженерно-технических работников.
(электронное издание
Available for download PDF file of this book.
More...Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
(2016) Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing
14—18 September, 2015, «Kurortny» hotel, Odessa, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding»,
98 pp. (Electronic Edition).
The book contains papers presented at the Seventh International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing and
other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies are
considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
The conference organizers would like to thank «TECHNOLOGIES HIGHENERGY» company, Kiev,
Ukraine for financial support.
Laser technologies in welding and materials processing
LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference 27-31 May, 2013, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 102 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the Sixth International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
Available for download PDF file of this book
More...LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 24-27 May, 20131, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 150 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the 5th International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
Available for download PDF file of this book
More...LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the 4th International Conference 26-29 May, 2009, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 90 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the 4th International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
Available for download PDF file of this book
More...LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the 3th International Conference 29 May-1 June, 2007, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 142 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the 3th International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
Available for download PDF file of this book
More...LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the 2th International Conference 23-27 May, 2005, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 208 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the 2th International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.
Available for download PDF file of this book
More...LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING Proceedings of the International Conference 19-23 May, 2003, vil. Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine
Kiev: International Association «Welding», 230 pp. Soft cover, 200х290 mm.
The book contains papers presented at the International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding
and Materials Processing», covering the latest achievements in the field of laser welding, cutting, surfacing
and other advanced processes of laser machining of materials. Prospects of application of laser technologies
are considered. Authors of the papers are the known specialists from many countries all over the world.