2021 №02 |
DOI of Issue https://doi.org/10.37434/tpwj2021.03 |
2021 №04 |

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- Makhnenko O.V., Kandala S.M., Basystyuk N.R. and Cherkashin M.V. Mathematical modeling of residual stresses in WWER-1000 elements after heat treatment ... 9 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.02
- Borisov Yu.S., Borisova A.L., Vihilyanska N.V., Demyanov I.A. and Burlachenko O.M. Electric arc spraying of intermetallic Fe–Al coatings using different solid and powder wires ... 16 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.03
- Rabkina M.D., Kostin V.А. and Solomiichuk T.G. Peculiarities of emergency failure of a process pipeline ... 22 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.04
- Polieshchuk M.A., Shevtsov A.V., Dotsenko I.V., Teplyuk V.M., Kolisnichenko O.V. and Malakhova L.M. Investigation of temperature state of copper plates in the weld zone at friction stir welding ... 27 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.05
- Leshchinskyi L.K., Matviyenko V.M., Ivanov V.P., Stepnov K.K. and Vozyanov E.I. Improvement of the surfacing technology for large-sized backup rolls of hot rolling mills ... 32 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.06
- Nesterenkov V.M., Zagornikov V.I., Orsa Yu.V., Zabolotnyi S.D. and Belyaev A.S. Investigation of structure, mechanical and thermophysical properties of electron beam modified welds on copper parts of lances ... 36 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.07
- Korotynskyi O.E., Skopyuk M.I. and Vertetska I.V. High-efficient sources for arc welding on the base of capacitive energy storage systems ... 43 https://doi.org/10.15407/tpwj2021.03.08