2017 №02 (02) DOI of Article
2017 №02 (04)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #02
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №2, 2017 pp. 17-22

Modelling of X-ray images of digital X-ray-TV system based on scintillation screen and CCD matrix

V. A. Troitskii. S. R. Mikhaylov, D. S. Shylo

The X-ray images, formed by digital X-ray-TV system of indirect conversion of “scintillation screen-objective lens - matrix” type were compared with the images received in modelling of this system. Versatile of a mathematical model, that is a basis for images calculation, allows determining working modes at a stage of X-ray-TV system designing. The model can be adapted for specific technical problem that provides more accurate evaluation of parameters of the system being designed. Also the model can be adapted for calculation of the parameters of X-ray TV-systems with direct conversion detectors. Ref. 9, Figures 8
Keywords: non-destructive testing, digital radiography, scintillation screen, X-ray system, X-ray tube, CCD matrix, grooving sensitivity pattern.

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