2017 №03 (06) DOI of Article
2017 №03 (01)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2017 #03
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing, №3, 2017 pp. 56-63

Evaluation of risk of welding structures service using monitoring of processes of the quality control system and testing using nt and td methods

Yu. K. Bondarenko, O. V. Kovalchuk

E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, 11, Kazimir Malevich str., 03150, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
The peculiarities of constructing a quality control system for welding production in accordance with the new edition of ISO 9001:2015 were determined based on the development of the system processes from the standpoint of risk, i.e. oriented approach. To a more detailed technical regulation and control, those processes of the system are subjected, which significantly affect the quality of welded structures and may contain an increased risk. The work defines the peculiarities of risk in welding production, related to the purpose of a critical structure, to the peculiarities of production – the presence of a «special» welding process, personalized works on technical expertise, welding, non-destructive testing, uncertainty of test results and audit. The international standard documents, which determine the requirements to organization of the mentioned processes and performance of non-destructive testing, are given. According to the results of the carried out audits of the system for control of welding production and the tests data received in the accredited testing laboratory of the PWI, the nature of influence of the level of quality control on the quality and risk of products were determined. The investigations and risk control based on methodology of the standard ISO/IEC 31000 serves to prevent the negative results of production associated with defectivity of welded structures, possible accidents, harmful influences, however it also reveals the hidden possibilities for its improvement. 12 – Ref., 6 – Fig.
Keywords: risk, risk management, risk evaluation, quality of welded structure and technological welding processes, improvement of system for quality control of welding production
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