2019 №01 (03) DOI of Article
2019 №01 (05)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2019 #01
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing №1, 2019, стр. 32-39

Identification by ae method of structural featuresof deformation mechanisms at bending

.L. Aleksenko1, A.A. Sharko2, A.V. Sharko1, D.M. Stepanchikov2, K.Yu. Yurenin1

1Kherson State Maritime Academy. 20 Ushakov Prosp., 73000, Kherson. E-mail: ksma@ksma.ks.ua
2Kherson National Technical University. 24 Berislav Rd., 73008, Kherson. E-mail: kntu@kntu.net.ua

The paper gives the results of investigation and procedure of processing the spectral characteristics of acoustic emission signals at testing samples from St3sp(killed) steel by four-point bending, in order to assess the possibility of their application to solve diagnostics problems. Essential differences have been found in the changes of spectral characteristics and moments of emergence of acoustic emission signals at different stages of sample loading. The preemptive effect of recording the discrete changes in the material structure by acoustic emission method at bending was established. 11 Ref., 2 Tabl., 5 Fig. 39
Keywords: acoustic emission, steel, four-point bending, deformation

Received: 10.02.2019 39
Published: 06.03.2019

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