2012 №03 (05) 2012 №03 (07)

Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль 2012 #03
«Техническая диагностика и неразрушающий контроль», 2012, №3, с. 27-30


С. ЛАССЕ (Компания Stresstech Oy, Финляндия )

Показано, что по сравнению с другими технологиями автоматическая система контроля,основанная на анализе шумов Баркгаузена, обеспечивает наиболее эффективное отслеживание дефектов, вызванных шлифованием, а также является простой в использовании.

It is shown that compared to other processes and technologies, automatic system of Barkhausen Noise (BN) monitoring ensures the most efficient detection of defects due to grinding, as well as being easy-to-operate equipment.
1.Fix Robert M. Applications of Barkhausen Noise Analysis(BNA), a Review of Three Cases Having Industrial Significance // First Intern. conf. on Barkhausen Noise and Micro-magnetic Testing, Sept. 1-2, 1998. — Hanover, Germany.
1. Karpuschewski B. Introduction to Micromagnetic Techniques // First Intern. conf. on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing, Sept. 1-2, 1998, Hanover, Germany.
2. Seppi Fred. Findings of Barkhausen Noise Tests to DetectGrinding Burns and Residual stress in High Strength Steel //Headquarters Ogden Air Logistics Center (AFLC), Hill AirForce Base, 01 Oct. 1986.
3. Shaw B. A., Hyde T. R., Evans J. T. Detection of GrindingDamage in Hardened Gear Steels Using Barkhausen NoiseAnalysis // First Intern. conf. on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing, Sept. 1-2, 1998, Hanover, Germany.
4. Detection of Thermal Damage in Steel Components AfterGrinding Using the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method / A.S. Wojtas, L. Suominen, B. A. Shaw, J. T. Evans // First Intern. conf. on Barkhausen Noise and Micromagnetic Testing,Sept. 1-2, 1998, Hanover, Germany.
5. Pro Richard J. Grinding Burn Detection During ProductionUsing Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Measurements // Materials Evaluation. — 2006. — 45, № 6. — P. 610–612.
6.Ceurter J. S., Smith C., Ott R. The Barkhausen Noise Inspection Method for Detecting Grinding Damage in gears // Advanced Materials & Processes, Apr. 2002
7. Griffiths C. A. Closing the Loop on Product Integrity on Bearings with Engineering Source Approval // Published bySplit Ballbearing, Division of MPB Corp., July, 1989.
8. ANSI/AGMA 2007-B92. Surface Temper Etch InspectionAfter Grinding, February, 1992.
9. Suominen L., Tiitto K., Ehrman R. Effects of Retained Austenite on the Evaluation of Grinding Damage by Barkhausen Noise inCarburized steels // Thirteenth Annual conf. on Properties andApplications of Magnetic Materials, May 17–19, 1994.
Поступила в редакцию 02.03.2012
Подписано к печати 03.08.2012