2019 №03 (01) DOI of Article
2019 №03 (03)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2019 #03
Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing #3, 2019, pp. 13-18

Technology of evaluation of the validity of recording acoustic emission information in diagnostics of structures and constructions

A.Ya. Nedoseka1, S.A. Nedoseka1, M.A. Yaremenko1, Ya. Gereb2, M.A. Ovsienko1, S.A. Kushnirenko3,A.P. Ivashchenko4

1E.O.Paton Electric Welding Institute of NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevich str., 03150, Kyiv. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2Sensophone. 1029 Hungary, Budapest, Honfoglalas u. 28
3Odessa Port Plant. General Post Office PO Box No.304, 65001, Odessa
4SC “Ukrmetrteststandart”. 4 Metrologicheskaya str., 03143, Kiev
Normative documents on calibration of equipment for acoustic emission control and monitoring of industrial facilities are considered. Schemes and a draft of the procedure for checking the equipment parameters have been developed. The paper gives the results of work performance with upgraded equipment. Ref. 7, Table 1, Fig. 9. 18
Keywords: metrology, unity of measurements, instrument calibration, systems of acoustic emission control and monitoring, schemes of measurement of system parameters
Received: 28.05.2019
Published: 05.09.2019


1. Law of Ukraine «On metrology and metrological activity». https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/shon/1314-18 [in Ukrainian]
2. (2002) MDU 016/10-2002: Multichannel acoustic emission diagnostic complexes. Procedure of state metrological certification [in Ukrainian]
3. (2002) MDU 017/10-2002: Multichannel acoustic emission diagnostic complexes [in Ukrainian]
4. (2004) MPU 002/10-22-2004: Metrology. AE diagnostic complex EMA (electronic components). Checking procedure [in Ukrainian]
5. (2006) Procedure for checking the serviceability of electronic components of acoustic emission complex EMA [in Ukrainian]
6. DSTU EN 13477-1:2016 (EN 13477-1:2001, IDT): Nondestructive testing. Acoustic emission. Description of equipment. Pt 1: Equipment caracterization [in Ukrainian]
7. DSTU EN 13477-2:2016: Nondestructive testing. Acoustic emission. Description of equipment. Pt 2: Verification of equipment characteristics (EN 13477-2:2010, IDT) [in Ukrainian]