2021 №04 (01) DOI of Article
2021 №04 (03)

Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing 2021 #04
"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #4, 2021, pp. 19-24

Non-destructive testing of elements of titanium honeycomb panels by shearography method using vacuum load

L.M. Lobanov, V.V. Savytskyi, I.V. Kyianets, O.P. Shutkevich, K.V. Shyian

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS of Ukraine 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua

The use of the modern method of non-destructive quality testing – electron shearography in combination with vacuum load for the study of elements of titanium honeycomb panels is considered. The effectiveness of the procedure for detecting inner defects of different location in the honeycomb panels, size and configuration is shown. 10 Ref., 9 Fig.
Keywords: non-destructive quality testing, honeycomb panels, electron shearography, vacuum load

Received: 12.11.2021


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