
Provisions on Article Review


The review procedure is applied to all articles submitted to the editorial board. The objective of a review is to promote rigorous selection of author manuscripts for publication and to make specific recommendations for their improvement. The review procedure is focused on the most objective assessment of the content of a scientific article, determination of its compliance with the journal requirements and provides a comprehensive analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. Only the articles that have value from a scientific point of view and contribute to solving current problems and tasks are approved for publication. The level of compliance with the rules for preparing articles for publication in the scientific journal is evaluated separately (see requirements for articles).
The main purpose of the review procedure is eliminating instances of substandard practice of scientific research and providing coordination and balancing of interests of authors, readers, the editorial board, reviewers and the institution where the study was carried out.
The reviewing of manuscripts is held confidentially. By submitting a manuscript to the editors of the journal, the authors entrust to the editors the results of their scientific work and creative effort, on which their reputation and career may depend. The disclosure of confidentiality of the manuscript review violates the rights of the author. The editors do not report the information concerning the manuscript (including information on its receipt, content, reviewing process, criticism by reviewers and final opinion) to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. A breach of confidentiality may only occur in instances of allegations of inauthenticity or falsification of the material, in all other cases its preservation is obligatory.
Responsibility for copyright infringement and non-compliance with existing standards in the material of the article rests on the author. Responsibility for verification of facts and data, the validity of the findings and recommendations and the scientific and practical level of the article rests on the author and reviewer. The reviewer must temporarily provide feedback to the journal's editorial board.

Peer review lasts no more than two months from the moment the article is received by the journal editors.