Submission Preparation Checklist
- As part of the submission process, authors must ensure that their manuscripts comply with all of the
- following requirements. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines may be returned to the
- authors for revision.
- The author submits an original manuscript that has not been previously published and is not under consideration in another journal.
- The author is responsible for the novelty and accuracy of the research results.
- The author ensures that the list of co-authors includes only those who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the work.
- If the manuscript contains excerpts from other works and/or borrowed statements, the author guarantees that proper bibliographic references, including the author and original source, are provided.
- The manuscript does not contain excessive borrowing, and plagiarism in any form—including unmarked quotations, paraphrasing, or misappropriation of research results—is considered unethical and unacceptable.
- The author guarantees the absence of conflicts of interest that could affect the research
- results or their interpretation.
- The author has read and agrees to the terms of the License Agreement for the use of the work.
- The manuscript's format and content comply with the journal's requirements.
- When citing materials from The Paton Welding Journal, the following abbreviated title should be used: The Paton Welding J.
Author Guidelines
The Paton Welding Journal publishes articles and short reports covering research, technical
developments, and innovations in various fields, including welding, specialty electrometallurgy,
technical diagnostics, and nondestructive testing (NDT), as well as related technologies.
Articles are accepted for publication in English. If an article is submitted in Ukrainian, the
author(s) must cover the cost of professional translation into English.
All submitted materials undergo mandatory peer review.
Publication Fees
- For authors from Ukraine, the publication fee is 250 UAH per page for manuscripts formatted according to the journal's requirements.
- For foreign authors, the publication fee is 20 EUR per page for manuscripts formatted according to the journal's requirements.
- If an article is submitted in Ukrainian, the author(s) must pay a translation fee of 240 UAH per 1,800 characters (including spaces).
As partial compensation for the publication fee, authors receive:
- One printed copy of the journal with their published article
- An electronic version of the article
- Open-access placement of the article at
An invoice will be sent to the author(s) after the final decision on the publication of the article.
Journal Sections
- Welding and related technologies
- Materials science
- Special electrometallurgy
- Technical diagnostics and nondestructive testing
- Information
Journal Topics
- Advanced welding and material joining technologies
- Automation of welding and related processes
- Strength, reliability, and durability of welded structures
- Surfacing, coating deposition, and surface treatment technologies
- Hybrid technologies based on welding processes
- Plasma-arc technologies for material processing, 3D printing, and welding
- Electron beam and laser welding technologies
- Cutting, brazing
- Flash butt welding
- 3D additive technologies in welding, surfacing, and coating deposition
- Nanotechnologies, nano-welding, and nano-materials
- Materials, equipment, and technologies for medical applications
- Plastic welding
- Mathematical modeling of welding and related processes
- Materials science of welding and related technologies
- Special electrometallurgy processes (electroslag, electron beam, plasma, and vacuum arc technology)
- Technical diagnostics and nondestructive testing
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via e-mail:
Author Information
When submitting a manuscript, authors must provide the following information in English:
- First and last name
- Full institution name (without abbreviations)
- ORCID (in Latin characters as a link, e.g.,
- The order of authors must match the order in the manuscript
Article Components
A complete manuscript submission must include:
- The manuscript (full version in English), including:
- Author's names and ORCID identifiers
- Institution names and full addresses
- Article title
- Abstract (1500–2000 characters)
- Keywords (up to 8 words)
- Article text
- Bibliography in English
- Figures and figure captions
- Figures – Each figure must be submitted in a separate file. The file name should correspond
to the figure number.
- License Agreement – A signed License Agreement by all co-authors. This agreement
becomes effective upon acceptance of the article for publication.
- Author Information – Full name, position, institution, academic title, scientific degree,
contact details (phone, email), and ORCID.
Manuscript Formatting Requirements
General Formatting
- Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word (.doc) format.
- Font: 12-point, 1.5-line spacing, A4 page format.
- Sections & headings: Titles should be in bold uppercase letters.
- The manuscript should be structured as follows:
- Introduction – Problem statement, relevance, review of prior research, purpose, and objectives.
- Main Research Findings – Presentation of research results, methods, analysis, and discussion.
- Conclusions – Summary, scientific novelty, and future research directions.
- Funding – Acknowledgment of financial support, including grants and institutional funding.
- Acknowledgments – Recognition of any non-authorship contributions.
- References – 20–30 sources.
Figures & Tables
- Figures: Must be in TIFF format (300 dpi), no larger than 170×240 mm (W×H).
- Tables: Created in MS Word, placed after the first reference in the text.
- Formulas: Typed using MathType.
- The reference list should appear at the end of the article.
- Numbered sequentially as cited in the text.
- Use official Latin spellings of journal names according to their ISSN registration.
Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for review.
Copyright Notice
Authors publishing in The Paton Welding Journal agree to the following conditions:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal first publication rights.
- Authors may republish their article elsewhere, provided they acknowledge its initial publication in The Paton Welding Journal.
- Authors may self-archive their work on institutional repositories or personal websites.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses provided will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this
journal and will not be shared with third parties.