2017 №01 (02) DOI of Article
2017 №01 (04)

Electrometallurgy Today 2017 #01
Electrometallurgy Today (Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya), 2017, #1, 15-21 pages

Electron beam melting of new high-strength titanium alloy T120

Akhonin S.V.1, Pikulin A.N.1, Berezos V.A.1, Severin A.Yu.1, Erokhin A.G.2

1E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: office@paton.kiev.ua
2SE «RPC «Titan» of the E.O. Electric Welding Institute of NASU». 26 Raketnaya Str., 03028, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail: titan.paton@gmail.com

Integrated research works were carried out for producing 150 mm diameter ingots of new high-strength titanium alloy T120 by the method of electron beam melting. Technological parameters of ingots melting in electron beam installation UE208 were determined. It is shown that the metal of ingots of the new high-strength titanium alloy T120, produced by the method of electron beam melting, is characterized by a chemical homogeneity, absence of inclusions of low and high density. Study of the macrostructure of produced ingots showed that it has a homogeneous nature, having no different etching zones in ingot section, noticeable difference in structures of central and periphery zones of ingots is not observed, there are no defects in the form of pores, cavities, cracks and nonmetallic inclusions. Ref. 9, Table 1, Figures 10.

Keywords: complexly-alloyed titanium alloy; ingot; electron beam melting; cold hearth; technological conditions; chemical composition; ultrasonic testing; structure


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