"Tekhnichna Diahnostyka ta Neruinivnyi Kontrol" (Technical Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing) #1, 2023, pp. 3-12
Surface EDDY current probes of double differential type as an effective tool to solve non-destructive inspection problems
V.M. Uchanin
G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NASU. 5 Naukova str., 79060, Lviv, Ukraine. E-mail: vuchanin@gmail.com
A new type of surface eddy current probes of double differential type, which are characterized by increased sensitivity to
surface and subsurface defects of various types, is presented. A family of double-differentiation eddy current probes of different
diameters with different spatial resolutions has been developed. The paper analyzes the main features of double-differentiation
eddy current probes and presents new innovative inspection techniques which allow solving the most complex problems of
non-destructive testing. In particular, the developed eddy current probes have been researched and tested as an effective tool
of inspection of multi-layered aircraft structures, in which it is necessary to detect internal defects. They provide, in particular,
the detection of cracks in the second layer of stratified aircraft structures or cracks on the back surface of the aircraft structures
skin; detection of subsurface defects in the weld zone with a rough surface; detection of cracks through repair patches made
of aluminum alloy or carbon composite; detection of subsurface cracks near rivet holes, etc. These techniques create unique
opportunities for timely detection of dangerous damage without disassembling the inspected object or removing the protective
coating. The developed eddy current probes are effective for detecting cracks in ferromagnetic steel products such as forgings,
gas turbine blades and shafts, rails, wheels or axles of railway rolling stock, rough-surfaced castings, etc. In addition, high
sensitivity to defects can be achieved even during the inspection through an air gap or dielectric coating. This allows them to
be successfully used in many automated inspection systems. 17 Ref., 15 Fig.
Keywords: nondestructive testing, eddy current probe of double-differential type, stratified aircraft structure, subsurface defect,
repair patches, rivet hole
Received: 23.12.2022
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