The Paton Welding Journal 2007 #08

Makhnenko O.V., Velikoivanenko E.A. and Pivtorak N.I. Numerical study of risk of lamellar cracks formation in welding of shells of manholes into body of 75,000 m3 reservoir 2
The characteristic case of computational estimation of the risk of lamellar cracks formation is considered in welding of shells of manholes into body of 75,000 m3 reservoir (town of Brody). On the basis of the analysis of stressed state in the zone of welded joints of oval manholes and resistibility of the material of branch pipe from steel 09G2S to formation and propagation of lamellar cracks, it was found that probability of occurrence in the branch pipes of through lamellar crack type defects is very insignificant. Revealed at hydrostatic tests of the reservoir leakiness of welded joints is due to poor design and the technology applied in performing the welded assembly.
Ignatenko A.V. Mathematical model of reversible hydrogen brittleness 8
A mathematical model of reversible hydrogen brittleness (RHB) of metals with body-centered cubic lattice is proposed. The model is based on classical Siener-Stroh model of microcrack formation in the metal grain by dislocation mechanism, and includes the model of hydrogen transfer by edge dislocations. A programme enabling estimation of the effect of hydrogen on metal grain failure stress was created. In simulating RHB, concentration of free hydrogen in metal, speed of movement of edge dislocations, metal temperature and grain size were taken into account. Calculation-based curves are compared with experimental ones. The dependencies obtained accord well with experimental evidence on RHB.
Akhonin S.V., Topolsky V.F., Petrichenko I.K., Vrzhizhevsky E.L. and Mishchenko R.N. Influence of the method of melting titanium alloys on their weldability and service characteristics 12
The influence of the method of titanium alloy production by the process of vacuum-arc remelting or electron beam cold hearth melting on the metal performance and its weldability is considered in the case of medium-alloyed titanium alloy VT6. It is shown that the difference in the strength and ductility properties is negligible. It is established that irrespective of the production process, the fracture toughness KIc of the base metal is on the same level, and fracture toughness of the metal of EB welds is higher than that of the base metal in both cases. The characteristic of cyclic crack resistance of both the base metal of VT6 titanium alloy produced by different melting processes and of its welded joints is shown to be on the same level.
Chigarev V.V., Kondrashov K.A., Makarenko N.A. and Granovsky N.A. Heating by plasma arc of flat electrode axially fed into plasmatron 18
The paper presents the data on heating of a flat electrode (flattened flux-cored wire) inside the plasmatron by the plasma arcs during plasma surfacing by the combined method. It is established that application of the pulsed mode of plasma arc running, in which the flat electrode periodically becomes the cathode relative to the plasmatron nonconsumable electrode, improves its heating efficiency, while the proneness of the process to shunting of plasma arcs by the flat electrode is enhanced.
Kuzmenko G.V., Kuzmenko V.G., Bolotov N.V. and Shemet Yu.V. Automatic single-pass electric arc welding of steel current leads of electrolyzers for aluminium production 23
Technology of automatic arc welding of plateДblooms joint in OA-300M2 electrolyzers of Irkutsk Aluminium Plant is described. The new technology is based on the process of embedded electrode arc welding. The developed technology and equipment can be applied for welding large cross-section parts, also in site conditions.
Yushchenko K.A., Monko G.G., Kovalenko D.V. and Pestov V.A. Automatic argon-arc welding for sealing cartridges with waste nuclear fuel 27
Technology of automatic argon-arc welding and equipment for sealing P-89 cartridges from steel 08Kh18N10T for Chernobyl NPP nuclear waste disposal have been developed. Development of the technology of automatic argon-arc welding of the cap to the cartridge and technology of test welding of the nozzle tap for helium pumping into the cartridge allowed optimization of technical requirements to welds for performance of welding operations in site.
Korchemny V.V., Skorina N.V. and Anoshin V.A. Development of electrodes for welding and deposition of aluminium bronzes 31
The paper gives the characteristics and some features of the technology of manufacturing coated electrodes for manual arc welding and deposition of aluminium bronzes developed at the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute. The optimum temperature of electrode baking is determined, which guarantees a low susceptibility of the coating to moisture absorption.
Pirumov A.Е., Skachkov I.O., Suprun S.A. and Maksimov Yu.S. Specialized information-measuring system for monitoring the process of arc welding 34
The structure and functionality of the mobile information-measuring system intended for registration of electric and time parametres of process of arc welding with subsequent statistical processing and graphic interpretation of obtained results are considered.
Theses for scientific degree 36
News 38
International Conference in Crimea on Pipeline Transport 40
International Specialized Trade Fair «Welding, Cutting, Surfacing» in Moscow 42
Developed at PWI 7

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