
2013 №11 (16) 2013 №11 (18)

The Paton Welding Journal 2013 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, #10/11, 117-123 pages



A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the RAS (Russia). 49 Leninskii avenue, 119991, Moscow, Russia.

Equipment-technological classification of plasma processes in metallurgy and material treatment is stated. It allowed evaluating the prospects of plasma process practical application and ways for structural-technological arrangement optimizing. The equipment for shaft furnaces with plasma heating and processes of plasma effect on metallurgical melts have close prototypes in classical metallurgy. Jet-plasma processes, oriented on receiving of substances in dispersed state, require development of the original equipment. The authors realized the processes of hydrogen-plasma reduction of refractory metal oxides, plasma reduction melting of oxides of iron group and production of metal compounds (carbides, nitrides, oxides, etc.) allowing manufacture of products in a form of dispersed powders. They differ by possibility of energy- and resource saving, receiving of products with specific service properties and environmental compatibility. Proposed is a concept of modular energy-technological complex joining energy generation and chemical-metallurgical production of metals, steels and alloys from natural and technogenic raw materials on plasma method basis. Such pollution-free complex allows reducing energy- and resource consumption. 15 Ref., 10 Figures.

Keywords: jet-plasma processes, dispersed powders, plasma-chemical installation, tungsten, energy- and resource saving, energy-technological complex, plasma-arc liquid-phase reduction of iron

Received:                11.07.13
Published:               06.11.13

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