The Paton Welding Journal, 2018, #4, 19-24 pages
Determination of parameters of friction stir welding mode of aluminum-based alloy
I.O. Vakulenko and S.O. Plitchenko
Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan
2 Lazaryan Str., 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine. E-mail:
A procedure is proposed for determination of parameters of process of plates joining using friction stir welding technology by the example aluminum alloy. A nature of metal heating was determined in investigation of working tool rotation at different relationships of frequencies and normal pressing to joined edges. A minimum value of temperature interval in realizing of friction stir welding technology was determined from the analysis of nature of increase of heating temperature of edges being joined. Based on the analysis of received experimental data a concept of determination of main parameters of welding process was proposed. 17 Ref., 9 Figures.
Keywords: friction stir welding, heat energy, working tool; welding mode, aluminum-based alloys, optimum temperature
Received: 23.02.18
Published: 11.04.18
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Suggested Citation
I.O. Vakulenko and S.O. Plitchenko (2018) Determination of parameters of friction stir welding mode of aluminum-based alloy.
The Paton Welding J., 04, 19-24.