
2024 №09 (06) 2024 №09 (02)

The Paton Welding Journal 2024 #09
The Paton Welding Journal, 2024, #9, 3-11 pages

Development of hybrid technology of producing spherical powders from wire materials using high-speed plasma jets and electric arc

V.M. Korzhyk, D.V. Strogonov, O.M. Burlachenko, O.P. Gryshchenko, A.V. Zavdoveyev, O.M. Voitenko

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NASU. 11 Kazymyr Malevych Str., 03150, Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail:

A technological scheme and equipment for hybrid process were developed, which is based on application of the energy of supersonic plasma jet and electric arc to produce high-quality spherical powders at wire material atomization. Performed experimental studies of the particle size distribution, morphology and technological properties of the produced powder showed that the above-mentioned process allows producing spherical powders in the range of 25–160 μm, where the share of finely dispersed fraction of 25–63 μm can be up to 70 wt.% with the coefficient of sphericity higher than 0.8, which results in high technological properties (bulk density, flowability, etc.) of the produced powders, and is extremely necessary for their application in additive technology. It is shown that the hybrid process is characterized by 2.5–6.0 times smaller specific flow rates of gas for producing 1 kg of powder and 1.25–6.0 times higher productivity, compared to other industrial technologies of plasma and electric arc atomization.
Keywords: hybrid atomization, plasma jet, electric arc, productivity, spherical powders, additive manufacturing

Received: 13.03.2024
Received in revised form: 17.06.2024
Accepted: 24.09.2024


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Suggested Citation

V.M. Korzhyk, D.V. Strogonov, O.M. Burlachenko, O.P. Gryshchenko, A.V. Zavdoveyev, O.M. Voitenko (2024) Development of hybrid technology of producing spherical powders from wire materials using high-speed plasma jets and electric arc. The Paton Welding J., 09, 3-11.