
2013 №11 (20) 2013 №11 (22)

The Paton Welding Journal 2013 #11
The Paton Welding Journal, 2013, #10/11, 142-153 pages



E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU. 11 Bozhenko Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:

The paper presents the results of E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute investigations and developments in the field of high-frequency welding and related technologies for joining, coagulation, cutting and heat treatment of live tissues, and also deals with the questions of development of specialized equipment and instruments for realization of the above processes. Experience of application of developed technologies and equipment in surgical practice is described, which is indicative of the high demands for them Е at present more than 150 different surgical procedures have been mastered and more than 100 thous. surgical operations have been successfully performed in the most diverse surgical fields. Data are given on the features of live tissues restructuring and welded joint formation under the impact of high-frequency current passing through them. Derived experimental and clinical data were used to demonstrate the ability of tissue subjected to the impact of high-frequency welding, to maintain its viability, and restore its physiological properties and functions through regeneration processes. The paper presents the materials of studying the process of high-frequency welding of soft biological tissues with automatic regulation, ensuring guaranteed formation of welded joint in a broad range of properties of tissues being welded. Considered are the prospects for further development of technologies and equipment for high-frequency welding and heat treatment of live tissues, both due to further expansion of surgical applications, and due to development of new multifunctional apparatuses, combining the processes of high-frequency welding and convection-infrared treatment of live tissues, in particular self-sufficient mobile systems. 39 Ref., 17 Figures.

Keywords: high-frequency welding, coagulation, cutting, hyperthermal treatment, live biological tissues, surgery, electrosurgical instruments

Received:                04.06.13
Published:               06.11.13

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