2015 №06 (03) DOI of Article
2015 №06 (05)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #06
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #5-6, 22-25 pages  

Effect of scheme of powder feeding into arc on its losses and efficiency of plasma-powder surfacing process

A.I. Som

«Plasma-Master Ltd.» Company. 3 Krzhizhanovsky Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
Area of investigation was powder losses in plasma-powder surfacing using plasmatrons with internal and external schemes of its feeding into arc. Dependence of powder losses on its fraction, geometry of deposited bead and surfacing efficiency was shown. It is determined that losses of powder from steel 10Kh18N10T are 4-5 times lower at internal scheme of feeding, due to its more effective heating in the arc than at external one and do not exceed 1-2 % under favorable conditions. Practical recommendations on efficient application of plasmatrons with different systems of powder feeding are given. 4 Ref., 1 Table, 6 Figures.
Keywords: plasma-powder surfacing, powder losses, plasmatron, scheme of powder feeding, heating efficiency, particle flying path, bead formation
Received:                15.04.15
Published:               28.07.15
1. Gladky, P.V., Pavlenko, A.V., Zelnichenko, A.T. (1989) Mathematical modeling of powder heating in arc during plasma surfacing. Avtomatich. Svarka, 11, 17-21, 54.
2. Pavlenko, A.V., Gladky, P.V. (1989) Peculiarities of filler powder heating in arc during surfacing. Ibid., 11, 33-37.
3. Gladky, P.V., Pereplyotchikov, E.F., Ryabtsev, I.A. (2007) Plasma surfacing. Kiev: Ekotekhnologiya.
4. Som, A.I. (1999) New plasmatrons for plasma-powder surfacing. Avtomatich. Svarka, 7, 44-48.

Suggested Citation

A.I. Som (2015) Effect of scheme of powder feeding into arc on its losses and efficiency of plasma-powder surfacing process. The Paton Welding J., 06, 22-25.