2015 №08 (05) DOI of Article
2015 №08 (07)

The Paton Welding Journal 2015 #08
The Paton Welding Journal, 2015, #8, 31-34 pages

Calculation of size of structural constituents of metal deposited by induction method with application of mechanical vibration

V.S. Senchishin And Ch.V. Pulka

Ternopol Ivan Puluj National Technical University, MSEU. 56 Russkaya Str., 46001, Ternopol, Ukraine. E-mail:
Possibility of regulation of structure of deposited metal allows improving service properties of the parts. Present work studies the processes of refining of structure of deposited metal at application of horizontal mechanical vibration. Calculation model for determination of parameters of metal structure of PG-S1 type alloy, deposited by induction method applying mechanical vibration, was developed. Graphic dependencies of carbide constituents in the deposited metal on vibration amplitude and frequency were plotted based on received relationships. 9 Ref., 5 Figures.
Keywords: deposited metal, induction surfacing, structure, vibration, simulation
Received:                24.06.15
Published:               13.10.15
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Suggested Citation

V.S. Senchishin And Ch.V. Pulka (2015) Calculation of size of structural constituents of metal deposited by induction method with application of mechanical vibration. The Paton Welding J., 08, 31-34.