2016 №09 (09) DOI of Article
2016 №09 (11)

The Paton Welding Journal 2016 #09
The Paton Welding Journal, 2016, #9, 47-50 pages

Selection of modes of high-temperature tempering of heat-resistant steel welded joints made by electrodes thermanit MTS616

V.Yu. Skulsky, A.K. Tsaryuk, A.R. Gavrik, M.A. Nimko and G.N. Strizhius

E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, NASU 11 Kazimir Malevich Str., 03680, Kiev, Ukraine. E-mail:
One of the problems in producing the welded joints of complexly-alloyed heat-resistant steels is the providing of the required level of weld metal impact toughness. The improvement of its ductility and toughness is attained by a postweld high-temperature tempering using the modes regulated by the developer of welding electrodes. In case of welding of an experimental high-chromium martensite steel by electrodes Thermanit MTS616 (10Kh9V2MFB type) with account for conditions of its fulfillment, the heat treatment was required by 30–40 oC lower than that usually applied for welds of the mentioned type. The effect of modes of the manual arc welding and duration of tempering at 730–720 oC on hardness and impact toughness of weld metals was determined. Intervals of holdings were found in tempering, during which the secondary hardening was observed. The modes were selected, providing the required level of impact toughness of welds (impact energy KV ≤ 41 J). It is shown that alongside with the selected duration of temperature the important factor, providing the increase in toughness of the deposited metal, is the application of multi-pass welding at the reduced energy input. 11 Ref., 4 Figures.
Keywords: heat-resistant martensite steel, manual arc welding with covered electrodes, weld metal, high-temperature heat treatment, tempering mode, hardness, impact toughness
Received:                29.02.16
Published:               09.10.16

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Suggested Citation

V.Yu. Skulsky, A.K. Tsaryuk, A.R. Gavrik, M.A. Nimko and G.N. Strizhius (2016) Selection of modes of high-temperature tempering of heat-resistant steel welded joints made by electrodes thermanit MTS616. The Paton Welding J., 09, 47-50.