2007 №10 (03) | 2007 №10 (00) |
Makhnenko V.I. and Milenin A.S. Mathematical modelling of reactive diffusion processes in braze-welding of overlap joints of the titaniumДaluminium type | 2 | ||||||||
Mathematical model of the processes of reactive diffusion in overlap welded joints of the titaniumДaluminium type was developed. Degree of the risk of formation of a brittle layer of intermetallic TiAl3 depending upon the welding process parameters was assessed. The data were generated on distribution of elements within the welded contact zone. | |||||||||
Lobanov L.M., Makhnenko V.I., Pashchin N.A. and Loginov V.P. Features of formation of plastic deformations at electrodynamic treatment of welded joints of St3 steel | 7 | ||||||||
The effect of treatment of specimens of St3 steel base metal and welded joints with pulses of electric current on peculiarities of formation of macroplastic deformations in the joints subjected to uniaxial tension has been studied. An experimental procedure has been developed, which is used to investigate the mechanism of formation of Luders lines in uniaxial tension under the electrodynamic impact conditions. It is established that the characteristic simultaneous formation of plastic deformations induced by welding and current impact takes place in electrodynamic treatment of welded joints on steel St3. | |||||||||
Kuzmin S.V., Lysak V.I., Khaustov S.V. and Silchenko T.Sh. Principles of calculation of parameters for explosion welding of layered metal composites | 12 | ||||||||
Principles of calculation and optimisation of parameters for explosion welding of layered metal composites are considered. The energy of plastic deformation of the weld metal at high-velocity collision was selected as a versatile criterial parameter that relates properties of the material being welded to the welding modes. | |||||||||
Ryabtsev N.A., Pereplyotchikov E.F., Mits I.V. and Bartenev I.A. Effect of initial structure and particle size composition of powder on structure of metal 10R6M5 deposited by the plasma-powder cladding method | 18 | ||||||||
Effect of initial structure and particle size composition of additive powder PG-10R6M5 on structural state of deposited metal produced by plasma-powder cladding using the above powder was investigated. It is shown that the effect of inheritance of structure of the PG-10R6M5 powder by the deposited metal takes place in cladding: the higher the content of the a-phase in the powder, the higher its content in the deposited metal, the content of the g-phase decreasing accordingly. | |||||||||
INDUSTRIAL | |||||||||
Ignatchenko P.V. Production of welding consumables in CIS (on the basis of materials of the IV International Conference on Welding Consumables of CIS Countries) | 23 | ||||||||
Kulik V.M., Savitsky M.M., Lupan A.F., Chertorylsky L.A. and Sukhoyarsky V.E. Argon-arc welding of billets of shafts for metallurgical equipment | 28 | ||||||||
Peculiarities of argon-arc tungsten-electrode welding of shaft billets are considered. Application of an activating flux (A-TIG) welding makes it possible to decrease the depth of the weld groove, which is them filled up with filler metal during the TIG process. It is shown that thermal cycling and auto-heating in multilayer welding lead to decrease in the cooling rate, formation of more equilibrium structures, and prevention of cold cracking. In as-welded condition the joint metal has increased hardness and microhardness compared to base metal, and after comprehensive heat treatment the welded joint has the properties close to those of the base metal. | |||||||||
Kozulin S.M., Lychko I.I. and Kozulin M.G. Methods of reconditioning rotary kilns (Review) | 33 | ||||||||
The causes for failure of the bands of rotary kilns in operation are analyzed. The existing methods of repair of the through-thickness cracks in the bands without their dismantling from the kiln body are considered. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of repair operations with application of arc and electroslag welding is given. | |||||||||
Zhernosekov A.M. and Andreev V.V. Pulsed metal arc welding (Review) | 40 | ||||||||
Analysis of the field of application of pulsed metal arc welding of different materials is presented, and peculiarities, trends and prospects of this welding process development are considered. It is shown that this method of welding is characterized by certain technological advantages in comparison with other methods of gas-shielded metal-electrode welding and is actively used in state-of-the-art high-productivity technologies. | |||||||||
Bernadsky V.N., Shelyagin V.D. and Makovetskaya O.K. Present market of laser equipment for welding and processing of materials | 44 | ||||||||
Present state and level of production of industrial lasers and laser systems for processing of materials and volume of the world and regional markets of laser equipment and of the laser welding equipment market are considered. | |||||||||
Zhudra A.P., Krivchikov S.Yu. and Petrov V.V. Effect of titanium on crack resistance of deposited carbon metal | 50 | ||||||||
Results of experimental studies into the effect of alloying with titanium (up to 1 wt.%) on crack resistance, structure and hardness of low-alloy carbon metal deposited by using self-shielding flux-cored wire are given. It is established that increase in the titanium content is accompanied by growth of continuity and branching of the carbide-cementite phase in the deposited metal, and by increase in its resistance to microcracking. | |||||||||
News | 51
NEWS | 2nd Scientific-Practical Conference at OJSC «Selma Firm» | 53 | Our congratulations | 56 | Developed at PWI | 6 | 22 57 |
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